

NanoBrook Omni


127, 1F, E4


NanoBrook Omni是一个可配置的颗粒尺寸和齐塔电位测量平台。该仪器包括基于动态光散射(DLS)原理的颗粒尺寸和分布测量、基于多普勒测速法(电泳光散射或ELS)的ζ电位测量以及低迁移率样品的相位分析光散射(PALS)测量。


General specifications
LaserStandard laser 40 mW red diode laser, nominal 640 nm wavelength
Condensation controlPurge facility using dry air or nitrogen
Temperature control -5°C to 110°C, active control. No external circulator required
Specifications for particle sizing at 90°
Sample typeMost nanoparticle, and colloidal-sized materials, in any non-absorbing liquid
Size range1 to 3 mL disposable plastic, 50 µL disposable, 40 µL quartz flow cell, 10 µl quartz minimum
Concentration range2 ppm to 50 mg/mL
Signal processingDynamic Light Scattering (DLS)
CorrelatorBrookhaven’s TurboCorr, multitau, research grade with 510 hardware channels, covering the equivalent of 1010 linearly-spaced channels, 100% efficiency, real-time operation over the entire delay-time range
Precision±1% typically
Scattering angle90°
Data presentationAverage & width, lognormal fit, and multimodal size distribution standard
Test standardsConforms to ISO13321 and ISO22412
Specifications for particle sizing at 173°
Sample typeMost globular proteins, nanoparticles, and small polymers in any non-absorbing liquid
Size range<0.3 nm to 10 µm diameter
Sample cells50 µl disposable, 1 to 3 mL disposable plastic, glass, or quartz cells
Concentration range0.1 ppm to 50 mg/mL
Specifications for zeta potential
Sample typeMost nanoparticle, polymer and colloidal-sized materials, suspended in any non-absorbing liquid, with relative permittivity > 20 and viscosity 1.5 and viscosity < 30 cP PALS
Size range suitable for zeta measurement1 nm to 100 µm
Mobility range109 to 107 m2 /V•s ELS; 1011 to 107 m2 /V•s PALS
Zeta potential range -500 to 500 mV
Sample cells180 µL, 600 µL, 1250 µL
Maximum sample conductivity220 mS/cm
Signal processingSizing: Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Zeta Potential: Electrophoretic & true Phase Analysis Light Scattering (ELS & PALS)
Precision± 3%
Scattering angle15°
Data presentationDoppler Frequency Shift (ELS), Phase (PALS), electrophoretic mobility, zeta potential using Smoluchowski, Hückel, or Henry
Concentration range40% v/v


NanoBrook Omni_Brochure_EN