

BioCAM Duplex


126, 1F, E4


BioCAM DupleX是一种高分辨率微电极阵列(也称为多电极阵列)系统,有强大的体外功能记录能力。它的任一4096个双向电极可以同时作为刺激电极及记录电极,记录20kHz的高密度电生理数据。其适用于经典的2D细胞培养,也适用于创新的3D HD-MEA技术。BioCAM DupleX可兼容3Brain最新一代Khíron芯片,该芯片具有4096根针样微电极,可穿透脑组织,可从切片、类器官或球状体等生物模型内获取信号。


Parameters1. 4096 fully bidirectional electrodes (with HD-MEA Accura; with other HD-MEAs 4096 recording electrodes);
2. Compatible with any of the HD-MEA up to chip generation 3: Prime (gen 1), Arena (gen 2), Stimulo (gen 2;not for stimulating through the 16 stimulation electrodes) and Accura (gen 3);
3. Full-array sampling rate up to 20kHz/electrode with 12 bit resolution;
4. Recording subsets of electrodes up to 64kHz;
5. Active heating and cooling between 34℃ and -40℃;
6. 1 independently programmable voltage stimulation channels up to +/-5 V (time res. 10μs, amplitude res. 10mV), rooting toward any of the 4096 on-chip stimulation sites (only for HD-MEA Accura);
7. 4 independently programmable current stimulation channels up to +/-1mA (time res. 10μs, amplitude res. 10μA);
8. Two analog inputs (-3.3V to 3.3V) or triggers (LVTTL).
Software1. BrainWave DROID version;
2. BrainWave EVOS-1W.
Chip caps1. BC100A: Chip cap with FEP membrane (consumable);
2. BC101A: Chip cap with FEP membrane (consumable) and perfusion inlet/outlet;
3. BX201A: Mini-incubator box for BioCAM DupleX providing connection to the O2/CO2 line for long-term recordings;
4. BC200A: Harp anchor for slices (suitable for Arena, Stimulo and Accura MEAs).


BioCAM DupleX_Brochure_EN