Gel Permeation Chromatograph


Agilent 1260 Infinity II


132, 1F, E4

Equipment Introduction

The 1260 Infinity II LC System is a robust high performance liquid chromatography instrument that offers the widest choice of modules for analytical HPLC and entry-level UHPLC. It delivers the performance, reliability, and robustness you need for highest confidence in your daily results.


Vialsampler • High capacity –up to 36 vials (6 mL).
• Reliable injections – 0.1 to 100 µL injections for up to 600 bar
• Lowest carryover – with an in needle flush port included, for rinsing the outside of the needle. • Efficient temperature control – with an integrated column compartment as option or upgrade available. Which holds two columns up to 30 cm length, and provides heating capacity from 5 °C above ambient up to 80 °C for reproducible chromatography data at optimized resolution.
• Integrated sample thermostat –providing cooling and heating in the range from 4 °C - 40 °C.
Quaternary pump • Maximum pressure: 600 bar 
• Wide flow range (up to 10 mL/min)
Variable wavelength detector• Higher data rate up to 120 Hz.
• Deuterium lamp for highest intensity and lowest detection limit over a wavelength range of 190 to 600 nm. 
Multicolumn thermostatMaximum application flexibility through Peltier cooling and heating with two independent temperature zones from 10 °C below ambient temperature up to 85 °C.
Refractive index detector Refractive Index Detector (RID) is the ideal detector for fast and reliable LC results when routinely analyzing non-UV absorbing substances, such as carbohydrates, lipids, and polymers.


Agilent 1260 Infinity II_Brochure_EN