Nano Particle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer


NanoBrook Omni


127, 1F, E4

Equipment Introduction

The NanoBrook Omni is a Configurable Platform for Particle Sizing and Zeta Potential Measurements. The instrument includes particle sizing and distribution measurements based on the principles of Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), zeta potential measurements based on doppler velocimetry (electrophoretic light scattering or ELS) and Phase Analysis Light Scattering (PALS) measurements for samples with low mobilities.


General specifications
LaserStandard Laser 40 mW red diode laser, nominal 640 nm wavelength
Condensation controlPurge facility using dry air or nitrogen
Temperature control -5°C to 110°C, active control. No external circulator required
Specifications for particle sizing at 90°
Sample typeMost nanoparticle, and colloidal-sized materials, in any non-absorbing liquid
Size range1 to 3 mL disposable plastic, 50 µL disposable, 40 µL quartz flow cell, 10 µl quartz minimum
Concentration range2 ppm to 50 mg/mL
Signal processingDynamic Light Scattering (DLS)
CorrelatorBrookhaven’s TurboCorr, multitau, research grade with 510 hardware channels, covering the equivalent of 1010 linearly-spaced channels, 100% efficiency, real-time operation over the entire delay-time range
Precision±1% typically
Scattering angle90°
Data presentationAverage & width, lognormal fit, and multimodal size distribution standard
Test standardsConforms to ISO13321 and ISO22412
Specifications for particle sizing at 173°
Sample typeMost globular proteins, nanoparticles, and small polymers in any non-absorbing liquid
Size range<0.3 nm to 10 µm diameter
Sample cells50 µl disposable, 1 to 3 mL disposable plastic, glass, or quartz cells
Concentration range0.1 ppm to 50 mg/mL
Specifications for zeta potential
Sample typeMost nanoparticle, polymer and colloidal-sized materials, suspended in any non-absorbing liquid, with relative permittivity > 20 and viscosity 1.5 and viscosity < 30 cP PALS
Size range suitable for zeta measurement1 nm to 100 µm
Mobility range109 to 107 m2 /V•s ELS; 1011 to 107 m2 /V•s PALS
Zeta potential range -500 to 500 mV
Sample cells180 µL, 600 µL, 1250 µL
Maximum sample conductivity220 mS/cm
Signal processingSizing: Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Zeta Potential: Electrophoretic & true Phase Analysis Light Scattering (ELS & PALS)
Precision± 3%
Scattering angle15°
Data presentationDoppler Frequency Shift (ELS), Phase (PALS), electrophoretic mobility, zeta potential using Smoluchowski, Hückel, or Henry
Concentration range40% v/v


NanoBrook Omni_Brochure_EN