Single-cell Western Blotting Platform




124B, 1F, E4

Equipment Introduction

The single-cell western blotting platform Milo performs qualitative and quantitative analysis of protein expression at the single-cell level, through fluorescent-labeled antibodies for hybridization and elution, and then detecting the target protein by fluorescence imaging. It is suitable for validating single-cell sequencing results at the protein level, analyzing protein co-expression at the single-cell level, and measure proteins limited by flow cytometry that have no good flow antibodies. It can detect the expression differences of proteins between cells in complex cell populations.


Sample typeSuspension containing >10,000 cells
Cell diameter 7-25 µm in suspension
Cell typeMammalian cells; globular in suspension and unfixed
Antibody requirementStandard unlabeled primaries and fluorescent secondaries
Typical cell dilutionsYield capture and analysis of 1,000-2,000 cells per scWest chip
Molecular weight (MW) range15-175 kDa
MW resolution10% differences in distinct spectral channels, as low as 30% differences in same spectral channel
Typical target multiplexingUp to four proteins per cell by spectral and size-based multiplexing Twelve - plus proteins per cell using stripping & reprobing
Workflow time4-6 hours

