Installation of single cell -omics spatial in situ analysis system

Seminar Highlights

10x Genomics, as a pioneer in single-cell sequencing technology and spatial transcriptomics technology, has launched a new Xenium spatial in situ analysis technology. By targeting the detection of target RNA molecules with uniquely designed probes, it can achieve high-sensitive and specific detection of hundreds of RNA targets in fresh-frozen (FF) tissue and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples while retaining spatial in situ information. It can detect tissue in situ genes at the subcellular resolution level, meet the research needs of different target combinations, flexible display, and quantitative analysis, and is compatible with 10x Genomics' analysis tools and processes, enabling the integration and visualization of Xenium data, and ultimately achieving high-sensitivity in situ detection analysis of hundreds of target genes simultaneously.

BioCRF(GZ) is going to install single cell -omics spatial in situ analysis system from 10x Genomics, including instruments like Chromium X, Visium CytAssist and Xenium, in August. We will have application engineer on the scene, and you are very welcomed to send us your frozen samples or FFPE that need to be tested before the installation.
