3D Bio-printer BIO X™ Offline Demonstration

DATE: 19 Apr 2023

April 19, 2023, BioCRF(GZ), Biosciences Central Research Facility (GZ) at the University of Science and Technology of Hong Kong (Guangzhou), held its first offline event, specifically inviting Gaia China Co., Ltd. to collaborate with the 3D bioprinter industry leader - CELLINK (Sweden), to bring a vivid and interesting 3D bioprinter demonstration.

Training Content

  1. Introduction to the technical specification of 3D Bioprinter BIO X™
  2. Basic knowledge and operating procedure on a 3D cytoskeleton printing
  3. Biomedical application cases

More than a dozen students from Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering Thrust (BSBE) actively participated in this offline demo and communicated with the engineer on site. After watching engineer perform different biological scaffold printing technologies using bio ink and PLC materials, students expressed their high expectations for using 3D bioprinting technology to complete various scientific research projects in the future!